TRIADE 2.0 Steering Committee transnational virtual meeting, 10th June 2020
In spite of the challenge of Covid 19, the TRIADE 2.0 is on track with its activities and more than ever focusing on our most vulnerable ones in society: the inclusion of aging people with disabilities.
The objective of the meeting coordinated by IVASS has been centered on the project status, more specifically going through the interim report that has been sent to the European Commission.
The intellectual outputs have been in the core of the Agenda, especially the TRIADE 2.0 interactive platform which has been presented by the UNIVERSITAT POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA and approved by all partners who appreciated its design and potential. The platform includes supportive training materials, an exhibitor of the visual, easy language and cognitive accessible materials and a working space for AAWID. The platform will be accessible via web, rendering well on a variety of devices and windows or screen sizes.
TRIADE 2.0 ‐3rd TRANSNATIONAL MEETING, 24th & 25thFebruary 2020 Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
The 3rd Transnational Meeting focused on the first intellectual output "My new inclusive job"- Training toolkit for educators of AAWID and on the second intellectual output “My new ageing me” MNAM interactive training platform. Furthermore, the conference hosted the TRIADE2.0 Steering Committee.
During the meeting, the contents of the Workbook for trainers and the Training Pedagogical Resources were presented to all the partners, together with the training plan, the quality strategy management report and the dissemination activities of the TRIADE2.0 project.
Another focus of the transnational event was the MNAM Training Platform: topic such as objectives, outcomes, general structure and coordination system of this instrument were addressed by the participants, in order to be able to develop the platform in the best way possible.
In Plovdiv, the next TRIADE2.0 transnational meeting was planned: it will take place in Novo Mesto (Slovenia) on 1st and 2nd October 2020.
TRIADE 2.0 - 2nd Transnational meeting 26TH/27TH September 2019 - Valencia (Spain)
One of the main objectives of the 2nd Transnational Meeting was to work on the first intellectual output "My new inclusive job"- Training toolkit for educators of AAWID. This toolkit is made of a workbook for trainers and a dedicated training course.
Firstly, the workbook was developed according to the principles of quality of life of the AAWID (Ageing Adults with Intellectual disabilities), with specific focus on the dimension of social inclusion.
On the issue of the AAWID, partners raised awareness on the different training needs of the AAWID professionals depending on the country and the organization. Care-givers and other front-line professionals with higher qualifications are professional categories which will benefit from the workbook.
This tool improves the professionals’ skills to help AAWID to:
- access public services (public transportation, retirement clubs, evening classes, community associations and services...)
- strengthen their social network with people who are not staff, family members or other people with intellectual disabilities.
Secondly, the meeting focused on the 20-hour workbook training course, that will be carried out in April and May 2020. The workbook materials will be converted and incorporated as a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) by the Universitat Politècnica de València. Its evaluation will deliver two levels of certification: one related to the attendance and one related to learning outcomes.
The second intellectual output “My new ageing me” MNAM interactive training platform, designed and introduced by the Universitat Politècnica de València, was further developed thanks to the contributions of all the other partners. HoGent University was then responsible for the validation of the methodology that will be used with the target group.
In addition, the TRIADE2.0 Project Plan has been examined. It included:
- the Management Plan developed by IVASS and Familiehulp;
- the Training Plan by RIC Novo Mesto;
- the Quality Plan by NARHU;
- the Communication Plan by ENSA.
25th/ 26th February 2019 - KICK- OFF MEETING in Kortijk (Belgium)
The first consortium meeting of the European project TRIADE 2.0 was held on 25th and 26th February 2019 in Kortrijk (Belgium). The two-days meetings were hosted by Familiehulp and Sint Vincentius partners and it was relevant for the project to be able to count on the collaboration of these two organizations in order to seek common answers to the challenges faced by ageing people with intellectual disabilities (AAWID). The project, management, training and dissemination/communication plan were presented, but most importantly the partners discussed the implementation of the intellectual outputs. NAHRU, the Bulgarian partner, is the leader of “My new inclusive job”, the first intellectual output. It consists of a training toolkit for educators, including a training plan, a workbook for trainers, a workbook for educators, teacher classroom PowerPoint presentations, and an online course. Training pedagogical resources must be necessarily taken into consideration in order to develop training contents adopted to Ageing People with Intellectual disabilities’ learning potential. The development of performance indicators that will be approved in the next transnational meeting is key to ensure innovation as well as to assess the learning process. IVASS, the project coordinator and the responsible for the second intellectual output, presented a general overview of “My new ageing me”. It is a visual and interactive training platform aiming to support the learning and training process of Ageing Adults with Intellectual Disabilities. The Valencia Polytechnic University (UPV) illustrated the concept of the Multilanguage platform. HoGent, the University College of Gent, discussed with the partnership the requirements to develop the validation methodology for the transfer of competences into the daily life of ageing adults with intellectual disabilities.